Friday, May 30, 2008

Three Little Birds...

The past few days had been quite enjoyable for me, as the gals are working upstairs, and they will come down during lunch breaks, dabao food back, and we will have lunch together, food, gossips and laughter...

We will come to work together, (although waking them up in the morning is quite a chore), and go home together, and have dinner together... chatting, and with lots of gossips again... like three little birds...
Seeing them so happy and carefree makes me very happy too...

Don't worry about a thing
Cause every little thing gonna be all right

Rise up this morning
Smiled with the rising sun
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singing sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true

Don't worry about a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right - I wont worry!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24... Ist anniversary of my blog...

Today is May 24, and marked the 1st Anniversary of my blog. I started this blog as a place to unleash my emotions and as a hideaway place for my feelings. At least that was the initial reason when I started this blog...

I wanted a place where I could jot down my thoughts and feelings which I could not or simply do not wish to confide in anyone... it's not for public reading, but my own personal space to breathe...

Many things had changed over the past year, from sadness to happiness, from lonliness to fulfillness... There are many things that go on in daily life that I choose not to blog about... Sometimes it is because I am too tired to blog or do not have the time, sometimes I choose not to because I do not want to be judged by others, and some things are too personal to announce to the whole world.

Well, no matter what, I plan to keep blogging, and be happy... :) Happy anniversary to my blog!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Get going...

These few days I felt quite depressed and irritated, with work, with life, with everything. Well, I keep on reminding myself, despite the situation, despite what comes may, the most important thing is get myself going.




只要相信自己, 就会有好结果。

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today's thought...

Dance as though no one is watching
Love as though you've never been hurt
Sing as though no one can hear you
Live as though heaven is on earth.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why? Why? Why?

Why are you always creating troubles and more problems for us? Isn’t my life now is already stressful enough? Why do you still need to add more headaches for me?

Why is it everytime everyone must react according to you ways? Why must you control us to listen to you every whim? Why is it that everytime you snap you fingers, then everyone has to come lapping to you? Why must you use your crocodile tears to get people to pity you? Why you are always the right one, and everyone is the imperfect ones? Why is it you always like to twist your words? Why are you always telling so many untruth stories to make it like we are always at fault, even when it is not? Why are your story-telling so realistic, that it makes everyone else think it is real? Why is it your assumptions will eventually sounds like the real fact?

Why there are so many whys which I can’t even answer?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Everyone have dreams at different part in their life... some had their dreams come true and others are still waiting for it. I myself have many dreams which I have at this stage of my life, but I don't know how and what to do to make my dreams come true...

Someone told me even if we don't achieve all our dreams .... Be happy for what we have already achieved so far.... don't look at the past failures... but look ahead and reach for your dreams, and plan for your new life and new dreams... don't give up hope or faith... there will be a time when you will feel you are on the top of the world!!!

May all your dreams come true.........and mine too *-*

我有一帘幽梦 不知与谁能共

多少秘密在其中 欲诉无人能懂
窗外更深露重 今夜落花成塚
春来春去俱无踪 徒留一帘幽梦
谁能解我情衷 谁将柔情深种
若能相知又相逢 共此一帘幽梦 

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Words Hurt...

Words hurt... Some people speak words through their lips without going through their brains. These words carry invisible knives and the receiving party may be stabbed, deep and hard. Whether they realised it or not... Whether being ignorant or doing it intentionally... Only the person will knows...

Some people live their life trying every way to hurt others verbally, saying awful, insensitive, hurtful words towards their family and friends... Do they feel better after saying these verbal attacks at another? Why the need to attack someone and harm someone with such force?

Why did you choose to hurt someone with your words?

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Today is not the worst day, but it is not one of the best day too... so many unpleasant things happened, it made me wonder how long I can last?

Alone now, destinated or by choice, I am also not sure myself. I am not referring to this moment only, but the road ahead of me.. I am at a crossroads now, or should I say a dead-end, or a no U-turn? It is funny that sometimes we know things will not end up the way we want or wish, and yet we still do them. Sometimes we realize that we were doing the craziest things that we thought we will never have done it in our lives.

Sometimes I feel like crying, just like now... tears welling up my eyes, feel like letting go of everything. But I need to hang on, I need time to heal, I need to start anew.

It's a quite a while I had this feeling, but I really need a hug now, I need a shoulder to lean on now...