Thursday, January 6, 2011

from Mei's Blog....

今晚, 不知道为什么心血来潮, 就去了妹的部落格瞄了一下。 刚好读到了以下的POSTING... 又让这表面显露得很坚强的我, 眼泪又不禁的流出来了。。。
I love you too... with all my life...

I swear Parenthood never fails to make me tear.
Even till the very last episode.
Parenthood is seriously the only sitcom that I have
managed to watch till the very end - Firstly cause it
has very little episodes & secondly, its really amazing.
It relates to every single person - one with a family.

Sometimes, I'd take some time to think about my family.
My family's different, from most families.
Usually when a kid draws his family, he draws his daddy, his mommy
& himself. But in my case, I draw my mother, & my sister.
Thats my family.

& I love them truly, with all my heart.
I admit there'd be moments when I see kids with their dads,
especially daughters being really close with theirs
& I'd wonder why I dont have one.
I mean I had one, but not anymore.
& no, not any part of me blames my mother at all.
Its just the douchebag.

Come to think about it, I really like how we are now.
& I hate how my mother blames herself at times
for our situations in the present.
Its not a bad situation, at all.
But what worries me now,
is, twenty years from now.
or more, or less.

When I finally found that special someone,
well, I did. & I live with him,
& my sis does the same. I mean one of us could
just stay with our momma, thats simple.
I dont care about the privacy issues,
but what I worry now,
is I wont want my mom to be alone,
for the rest of her life.
I mean she always say she has 'us'.
but still, its different kind of 'love'.
I secretly wish she could meet someone new.
Someone who's nice, & sweet & not perfect.
But, at least close to it.
& as long as he's not a motherfucker.

I just want you to be happy.
thats all it matters.
I love you, momma.
